Professor Francesca Stavrakopoulou videos including interviews, debate and talks:
“When is it wrong to be an atheist”
‘Christian persecution complex”
“Is the Bible relevant today?”
From Wikipedia:
“Stavrakopoulou was awarded a D. Phil. in theology by the University of Oxford.[1][2] Her dissertation, which examined the creation of an imagined past within the Hebrew Bible, was subsequently published as King Manasseh and Child Sacrifice: Biblical Distortions of Historical Realities.[8][9]
Stavrakopoulou filled subsequent teaching and research positions at Oxford at Worcester College, as a Junior Research Fellow and as a Career Development Fellow in the Faculty of Theology, departing Oxford in 2005.[10]
Stavrakopoulou began a position in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Religion in the University of Exeter's Department of Theology and Religion in 2005,[11] rising to the level of senior lecturer by March 2011.[1] She currently serves as Head of Theology and Religion.[12]
In 2011, Stavrakopoulou was secretary of the British-based Society for Old Testament Study in 2011,[1] and member of the European Association of Biblical Studies and of the US-based Society of Biblical Literature.[1]”