After a hiatus due to COVID-19, the Adopt-A-Highway program has restarted.
The rain date for this will be January 16, 1:00 PM.
There are new rules:
- All current Adopt-A-Highway volunteers must submit a brand-new liability waiver (see below) prior to participation. This waiver must be signed before beginning the clean-up. The coordinator will have copies ready for signature at the meeting place.
- All volunteers must be wearing a face mask while working along state-owned right-of-way and where social distance cannot be obtained.
- All volunteers will be given their own safety vest to keep. TDOT will be supplying these vests and you can obtain them from your Coordinator.
- No more than 10 volunteers are allowed to participate in an Adopt-A-Highway cleanup at this time. Please Register.
- There is a NEW video that volunteers must watch before the clean-up date. Please view the video here.
Wear sturdy shoes and gloves and bring a "picker-upper" if you have one. Bug spray is a good idea. Meet at the Burger King at the Lovell Road exit off Pellissippi Parkway.
I do hereby release, hold harmless, and discharge the Tennessee Department of Transportation, the state of Tennessee, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability for injury to my person, damage to my property, or death, whether or not such liability is based upon allegations of negligence while participating in Tennessee’s Adopt-A-Highway program and/or other volunteer activities on or near state-owned right-of-way. I acknowledge the fact that working in the area of roads can be a hazardous activity, and that I accept the risks associated with this work. I further hereby release, hold harmless, and discharge the Tennessee Department of Transportation, the state of Tennessee, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, under any theory, arising from COVID-19. I acknowledge that the inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place, and that I accept this risk in participating in Tennessee’s Adopt-AHighway program. I agree to follow the guidelines set forth by the Tennessee Department of Transportation to stay socially distant from other volunteers, to wear a mask on state-owned right-of-way whenever social distance cannot be maintained, and to not participate in a volunteer cleanup event if I feel ill within 14 days prior to the event. I certify that I have reviewed and fully understand the Adopt-A-Highway Volunteer Safety Guide and have watched in completion the Adopt-A-Highway Safety Movie as a prerequisite to participating in the Adopt-A-Highway program.