First Sunday

  • 06/06/2021
  • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Zoom

JOHN RAWLS, A THEORY OF JUSTICE presented by Marty Carcieri

John Rawls' work may be the state of the art in western political theory. Hetransformed the discipline in 1971 with A THEORY OF JUSTICE and spent thenext thirty years refining his theory in response to the most able critiques fromacross the political spectrum. As Harvard professor Michael Sandel haswritten, A THEORY OF JUSTICE "is a powerful, deep, subtle, wide ranging,systematic work in political and moral philosophy which has not seen its' likesince the writings of John Stuart Mill, if then. It is a fountain of illuminating ideas,integrated together into a lovely whole. Political philosophers now must either work within Rawls' theory or explain why not.

(RET veteran) Marty Carcieri is Professor of Political Science Emeritus at San Francisco State University. He is the author of APPLYING RAWLS IN THE 21ST CENTURY: RACE, GENDER, THE DRUG WAR, AND THE RIGHT TO DIE (2015).

Bring your own coffee and snacks. 

RET First Sunday Meeting - Marty Carcieri

Time: Jun 6, 2021 10:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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