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  • Annual Membership Business Meeting

Annual Membership Business Meeting

  • 02/05/2023
  • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Pellissippi State Community College, Goins Cafeteria Annex

Annual Membership Business Meeting

Bring snacks to share if you wish. Coffee and other hot beverages will be provided. 

Please enter the Cafeteria Annex through the back entrance since there will be another group having a function in the regular cafeteria. 

If you are a member, please also read the minutes of last year's business meeting so they will not need to be read at the meeting. They may be accessed through the link below. If you need to update your membership, you may bring payment ($45) to the meeting or pay on the website through the "Donate" button. 

Please note that anyone wishing to serve on the board may nominate themself at the meeting. If planning on nominating someone else, please obtain their permission beforehand. 

We look forward to seeing you at this important meeting. RET serves you, and relies on your input. 


Call to order.

Take attendance and establish quorum (need 5 or 6).

Accept the minutes of the 2022.02.06 annual membership meeting as           distributed.

Treasurer’s Report

Committee Reports

◦          Program Committee (Aleta)

◦          Annual Speaker (Aleta) 

◦          Scholarships (Lee)

◦          Outreach (Carl)

◦          Letters to the Editor (Lee)

Regular RET activities

◦          Book Club (Bob)

◦          Reflections (Bob)

Other RET Activities

◦          Solstice Parties (Carl)

◦          Pridefest (Aleta)

Election (Nomination committee: Aleta)

Current slate:

  • President – Lee Erickson
  • VP -  Jenn Taylor
  • Treasurer - Eliot Spect
  • Secretary - Alana Merrill
  • Directors (5)- Norm Barrett, Ralph Isler, Aleta Ledendecker, Carl Ledendecker, Ryv Mutsu

Accept nominations from the floor.

Motion: Close the nominations.

Motion: Set the number of non-officer directors.

Motion: Elect the slate of officers and directors by acclamation.

Comments from President  Jenn Taylor

Comments from incoming President  Lee Erickson

General discussion among members


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