RET Reflections Meeting
March 26, 2023, Sunday 4:30 - 6:00 pm
Why all the backlash against the LGBTQIA+?
We are seeing a lot of laws and rules being written to restrict the liberty of this community after a period of what seemed like greater openness. Is this just red meat for the conservatives in a run up to an election year or were oversights and strategic mistakes made by the supporters? Political headwinds or social change fatigue? Why all the concern about books no one heard of or read before all this hit the fan? The conservative judicial infrastructure was a great move by the conservatives; what can the progressives do to counter this and prevent a decades long process of social liberty disassembly?
Join us in a discussion about what happened and where we can go.
Some background:
The anti-drag bills sweeping the U.S. are straight from history's playbook | WLRN
Do You Think “Too Many Kids Are Transitioning”? Here’s the Reality. (
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