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April Reflections via ZOOM

  • 04/23/2023
  • 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Zoom

RET Reflections Meeting

April 23, 2023, Sunday 4:30 - 6:00 pm

Is Poverty a Bug or a Feature?

Poverty has been around for a long time and the country has spent a lot of time and money fighting it.  So, why is it still here and why are some working people homeless?  Do the upper classes benefit from poverty? NIMBY prevents low-cost housing being built near expensive gated communities to preserve their value.  Housing aid to the poor is 50 billion, but mortgage deductions to the well off are 150 billion.  Expensive college degrees act as gatekeepers to keep otherwise qualified people out of the higher paying jobs.  Does keeping a certain portion of the population in poverty benefit the upper classes and therefore provide an incentive to keep it alive?

Join us in a discussion about the background and where we can go.

Some background: The One Cause of Poverty That’s Never Considered (msn.com)


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